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Microneedling Specialist

Integrative Primary Care

Internists located in Katy, TX

If your skin is starting to succumb to the forces of aging, microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a great way to resurface your skin from the inside out. At Integrative Primary Care, Dr. Syed Farhat Zaidi has created an aesthetic branch to the practice to help the Houston and Katy, Texas, area patients look as good as they feel. To learn more about microneedling, call or use the online booking button.

Microneedling Q & A

What happens to my skin as it ages?

There are several forces that contribute to tired and dull skin as you age. First, years of exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays prematurely age your skin in a process known as photoaging. Photoaging breaks down your skin cells and connective fibers and your body no longer has the resources necessary to keep up with the damage. As well, exposure to the sun leads to age spots and facial veins that start to mottle the surface of your skin as time goes by.

Second, as you enter your 30s, 40s, and beyond, your body produces increasingly less collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for the tone and elasticity in your skin. Without this valuable support, your skin begins to sag and wrinkle and it’s much thinner than it was when you were younger.

How does microneedling with PRP work?

Microneedling is a unique treatment that creates tiny microchannels across the surface of your skin. These channels go deep enough to spur a healing response in your body, without going so deep that it creates scarring. This is because your body’s healing response is a mild one, and it sends in just enough collagen to make the minor repairs.

By creating a network of these tiny injuries, the staff at Integrative Primary Care leaves enough healthy skin intact so that recovery is fairly quick. As your micro-injuries heal with collagen, it creates a new support system in your skin that lifts the entire area.

To ensure a quick healing time, the staff combines the microneedling with PRP therapy. Your platelets contain valuable growth factors, or proteins, that accelerate regeneration and repair on a cellular level. The team harvests your own platelets to do the job, so your body readily accepts the new resources.

When will I see results?

Since microneedling with PRP taps your body’s own natural resources, your results gradually reveal themselves as your body goes to work. Over the 6-12 weeks following your microneedling treatment, your body slowly rebuilds your skin with new collagen, leaving a smoother, younger-looking surface behind.

To fight back against wrinkling and sagging skin, call Integrative Primary Care to learn more about microneedling with PRP. Or you can use the online scheduling tool.