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Botox Specialist

Integrative Primary Care

Internists located in Katy, TX

Are you sick and tired of looking angry and tired? Integrative Primary Care’s aesthetic center offers Botox® and Xeomin®, which do away with those lines around your eyes, brows, and forehead that prematurely age you. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Syed Farhat Zaidi, patients in the Houston and Katy, Texas, area are successfully fighting back against aging skin. If you’d like to explore how cosmetic injectables like Botox can shave years off your appearance, call or use the online scheduling tool.

Botox Q & A

How do wrinkles form?

Wrinkles form for many reasons, starting with the fact that every time you smile, squint, or frown, you’re creating well-worn paths across the surface of your skin. Underneath your facial expressions are muscles that control your movements and every time you use them, they begin to form grooves in your skin.

When you were younger, your skin bounced back easily from your facial expressions, leaving a smooth surface behind. As you get older, however, your skin is no longer as resilient as it once was thanks to sun damage and a loss of collagen.

What is Botox?

Botox was first approved by the FDA in 2002 to improve the appearance of frown lines and crow’s feet. It’s since been approved to treat those deep lines across your forehead. At the heart of Botox is a botulinum toxin, which temporarily paralyzes the muscles that contract to form your wrinkles.

With your muscles out of the picture, your skin relaxes and loses the moderate to severe lines.

Botox is a minimally invasive procedure that takes mere minutes for the team at Integrative Primary Care to administer. By strategically injecting the Botox into your more problematic lines and wrinkles, the team is able to give you a natural look that still allows you to express yourself freely. But once you’re done expressing yourself, your skin returns to a smoother surface.

Botox needs about 3-7 days to take full effect and most patients enjoy their results for up to four months. When the Botox begins to wear off, you simply return for follow-up treatment.

What is Xeomin?

Xeomin is designed to tackle angry-looking frown lines and works much the same way that Botox does, relying on a neurotoxin to stop the muscle contractions that form your wrinkles. The team at Integrative Primary Care injects Xeomin during a quick 10- to 20-minute visit, after which you’re free to get on with your day.

Your results reveal themselves over the following days and typically last up to three months, though results do vary.

If you’d like to learn more about how Botox and Xeomin can reduce the lines and wrinkles on the upper half of your face, call Integrative Primary Care or request an appointment using the online booking tool.