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All About Chronic Sinusitis: Causes, Complications, Treatment, and Prevention

All About Chronic Sinusitis: Causes, Complications, Treatment, and Prevention

Is a sinus infection causing pain, irritation, and trouble breathing? While having one sinus infection can be frustrating enough, for nearly 30 million American adults, the condition lasts more than three months or continues to return, leading to chronic sinusitis. 

If you’re among the millions of Americans who keep getting sinus infections, the board-certified providers at Integrative Primary Care in Katy, Texas, can help. Our team has extensive experience assisting patients with chronic sinusitis find relief. 

Keep reading to learn about the possible causes of chronic sinusitis, complications that can arise if you don’t seek treatment, the different treatments that exist, and the ways we can help you prevent future infections.  

Causes of chronic sinusitis

People develop chronic sinusitis for different reasons. Some people get repeated infections in their sinuses because of structural issues, such as a crooked or deviated septum. This can block sinus drainage and increase your risk for infection. 

Some of the other common causes of chronic sinusitis include: 

With so many possible causes of chronic sinusitis, it’s essential to discuss your symptoms and sinus infection history with a provider who understands sinus infections. At Integrative Primary Care, your physician evaluates your medical history, examines your nasal passages, and orders any testing needed to determine the cause of your sinusitis. 

Complications related to chronic sinusitis

The most common complication related to untreated chronic sinusitis is difficulty breathing. This can make exercise challenging, since you may struggle to get enough oxygen into your body during physical activity. 

Ongoing chronic sinusitis that remains untreated for long periods can lead to other serious health issues, including:

Fortunately, most people recover from sinus infections, although you may require ongoing care or symptoms management depending on the underlying cause of your repeated infections. This is why seeing a provider is so important. 

Treating chronic sinusitis and preventing future infections

At Integrative Primary Care, our practitioners offer personalized sinus infection treatment. This begins by understanding the underlying issues triggering your sinusitis. To determine what’s making you sick, your provider may order allergy testing or imaging studies.  

To treat chronic sinusitis and help prevent future sinus infections, your provider may recommend one or more of the following therapies:

Get relief from the irritation of chronic sinusitis by calling 832-500-7585 or booking an appointment online with Integrative Primary Care. We’re located in Katy, Texas, and we serve the Houston area.


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